Custom Tokenizers
Tokenizers are custom C functions that allow you to turn a stream of characters into “tokens”. Tokens can be anything you want, you can break on whitespaces, special characters, etc. They are meant to help you break the characters for full-text search queries to be more accurate.
op-sqlite has a novel way for you to create your tokenizers.
Declare which tokenizers you want on the
:"op-sqlite": {
// Leave whatever configuration you already have
"fts5": true, // fts needs to be enabled
"tokenizers": ["word_tokenizer"] // declare which tokenizers you will create
} -
pod install
. The podspec now contains a code generation step. It will create ac_sources
folder at the root of your project. It will create atokenizers.h
file. DON’T TOUCH THIS FILE. It will be overwritten every time. You need to create ac_sources/tokenizers.cpp
file. Here you need to provide your tokenizer implementation. Thetokenizer.h
file contains the function declaration that will be executed when registering your tokenizer. In this case here is a sampletokenizers.cpp
implementation#include "tokenizers.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace opsqlite {
fts5_api *fts5_api_from_db(sqlite3 *db) {
fts5_api *pRet = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
if (SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "SELECT fts5(?1)", -1, &pStmt, 0)) {
sqlite3_bind_pointer(pStmt, 1, (void *)&pRet, "fts5_api_ptr", NULL);
return pRet;
class WordTokenizer {
WordTokenizer() = default;
~WordTokenizer() = default;
// Define `xCreate`, which initializes the tokenizer
int wordTokenizerCreate(void *pUnused, const char **azArg, int nArg,
Fts5Tokenizer **ppOut) {
auto tokenizer = std::make_unique<WordTokenizer>();
*ppOut = reinterpret_cast<Fts5Tokenizer *>(
tokenizer.release()); // Cast to Fts5Tokenizer*
return SQLITE_OK;
// Define `xDelete`, which frees the tokenizer
void wordTokenizerDelete(Fts5Tokenizer *pTokenizer) {
delete reinterpret_cast<WordTokenizer *>(pTokenizer);
// Define `xTokenize`, which performs the actual tokenization
int wordTokenizerTokenize(Fts5Tokenizer *pTokenizer, void *pCtx, int flags,
const char *pText, int nText,
int (*xToken)(void *, int, const char *, int, int,
int)) {
int start = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i <= nText) {
if (i == nText || !std::isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(pText[i]))) {
if (start < i) { // Found a token
int rc = xToken(pCtx, 0, pText + start, i - start, start, i);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
return rc;
start = i + 1;
return SQLITE_OK;
int opsqlite_word_tokenizer_init(sqlite3 *db, char **error,
sqlite3_api_routines const *api) {
fts5_tokenizer wordtokenizer = {wordTokenizerCreate, wordTokenizerDelete,
fts5_api *ftsApi = (fts5_api *)fts5_api_from_db(db);
if (ftsApi == NULL)
return ftsApi->xCreateTokenizer(ftsApi, "word_tokenizer", NULL,
&wordtokenizer, NULL);
} // namespace opsqliteYou need to keep the namespace and the function signature intact. For now the
parameter will always be a null pointer. -
Once you are done. You need to run
pod install
again. It will then copy the files you created to the pod sources in order to compileop-sqlite
together with your new C++ code in one go. -
The code generation step is only implemented in Cocoapods. Every time you create/change a file inside of
you will need to do apod install
to re-add the newly created files into the compilation process. This also applies for Android, at least the header file generation step. On your CI, you will also need to do a pod install even if your pods are cached, in order to copy the sources. -
You can then create a FTS5 virtual table with your tokenizer:
let db = open({
name: 'tokenizers.sqlite',
encryptionKey: 'test',
// inside your component or wherever you initialize your database
// THIS IS SAMPLE CODE, use your head when creating your tables
useEffect(() => {
let setup = async () => {
await db.execute(
`CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tokenizer_table USING fts5(content, tokenize = 'word_tokenizer');`
await db.execute('INSERT INTO tokenizer_table(content) VALUES (?)', [
'This is a test document',
const res = await db.execute(
'SELECT content FROM tokenizer_table WHERE content MATCH ?',
}, []);